Aesthetic Surgery
Aesthetic Surgery is performed to improve an individual’s self confidence by reshaping or rejuvenating facial and body features.
Face, Eyes and Ears
Ear Surgery(Otoplasty)
Eyelid Lift(Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty / Sub Brow Eyelid Lift)
Eyebag Surgery(Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty)
Face / Neck Lift(Rhytidectomy)
Nose Implant Surgery(Augmentation Rhinoplasty)
Nose Reshaping(Rhinoplasty)
Drooping eyebrows (also called eyebrow ptosis); Eyelid skin beginning to hang over the outer corners of the eyes; Tired, angry and irritated look as the skin starts to hang over the eyes, the need to constantly lift the forehead muscles to elevate the drooping forehead skin.
Through scars hidden behind the hairline, this operation lifts the forehead/eyebrow complex to a more youthful position, and effectively reduces upper eyelid as well as lower eyelid skin excess to ‘brighten up’ the eye area. The midface can be suspended with sutures to reduce cheek drooping at the same time. Hair growth is not affected in this tension free technique and no bald patches will develop. Dr Lim’s preference is for effective brow lifting without leaving you with a too much of a ‘surprised’ look! This operation may be combined with upper eyelid lift, eyebag removal as well as a face lift.
General Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Hair wash at designated hairdressing salon at 48 hours
- Clips out in 10 days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week with sunglasses on
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (so you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Chin looks small and dimply; Cheeks seem too chubby, Inability to fully close mouth at rest with exposure of upper incisors (Bugs Bunny look), Poor jawline Contour, Marked creases at the sides of the chin.
Through a scar hidden inside the mouth, a chin implant is centralised and inserted to restore chin size and restore symmetry to the face, with a relative reduction in chin and nose size as the proportions balance out. Dr Lim’s preference is to use the Flower’s Mandibular Glove silicone implant which accurately recreates normal bony contours of the jaw. Other implant types are available on request.
Local Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation (recommended).
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 48 hours
- Swelling around the jaw will subside over the course of 1 week
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week – many patients are back at work within 5 days!
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (which is concealable)
Patients who desire a dimple or chin cleft to improve facial features
Through scars hidden inside the mouth, this operation uses permanent sutures to form dimples and chin clefts. Dr Lim’s preference is for dimples on one side of the face only as this looks more natural. Chin clefts should also not be too long to preserve a natural look.
Local anaesthesia, with or without intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- The cheeks will swell for a few days after cheek dimple creation
- Cheek dimples will remain permanent for up to 6 months, whereupon they will only be obvious when smiling.
- Regular activities can be resumed immediately
Hooded, puffy eyelid skin with no obvious crease or a small indistinct crease, making it impossible to apply eyeliner unless lids are taped. Fierce angry look due to lack of a definitive crease.
This uniquely oriental operation defines the eye without ‘westernising’ them; making the eyelids more harmonious with the rest of the face and making the eyes look larger. Dr Lim uses a short incision (12 to 15 mm) technique that leaves a fine scar which virtually disappears over time. Upper eyelid fat is removed at the same time to create crisp upper eyelids.
Local Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
“Bat ears”; ears of unequal shape or size (asymmetry); ears that stick out more on one side than the other; flat ears.
These different deformities of the ear are approached either by the closed (just using sutures alone) or open approach through scars hidden behind the ears. The ear cartilage is refined and shaped by scoring and sutures to suit the patient’s requirements. Due to the complexity of this surgery, it is insufficient to annotate here what is required and a formal consultation with full assessment is crucial before operation.
Bat ears may make children the subject of taunts and ridicule (“Dumbo” ears, “rat ears”) early in life and are usually corrected before primary school years.
Local Anaesthesia with intravenous sedation (recommended) or General Anaesthesia (especially children).
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- A hospital stay may be required in children depending on their level of maturity
- The head will be bandaged immediately after surgery to be removed after 7 days. After this, a soft hairband is worn.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately
Drooping, crepey eyelid skin hanging over the eyes and possibly on the eyelashes; disappearing double eyelids; restricted eye opening which might affect vision; furrowed forehead as you start to constantly raise your brow to elevate the drooping eyelid skin with fatigue after doing that for too long.
Through scars placed at your normal upper eyelid skin crease or under the eyebrow, this operation lifts the eyelids to a more youthful position to ‘brighten up’ the eye area by removing excess skin. Bulging fat pads of the eye can be removed at the same time. Privileged eyelid skin heals beautifully with a scar that will fade in time. Double eyelids created previously can be reconstructed at this time.
Local Anaesthesia with or without Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Bulging, loose lower eyelid skin with a perpetual shadow under the eyebags making them look puffy and making you look like you haven’t slept well or have been crying all night!
This extremely rejuvenating procedure (called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty) removes the bulging fat pads from inside the eye, leaving no external scars, and therefore has a very short downtime compared to conventional techniques where the fat pads are approached through a skin incision. Should there be excess skin, this can be removed through a fine incision just under the eyelashes without traumatising the underlying muscle (this is called a skin pinch).
Local Anaesthesia with Intravenous sedation
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- There are no sutures to be removed
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Eyes may get a little red
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Drooping facial skin, deepening of creases around the nose (called nasolabial creases), jowling, deepening of creases in front of jowls (called the prejowl sulcus or ‘marionette lines’), wrinkly and loose neck skin (turkey gobbler neck), ill-defined jawline.
Through scars hidden around the ears, this operation lifts the mid/ lower face complex to a more youthful position, tightening and lifting neck skin at the same time. The suspension is vertical and not lateral, so the look is completely natural and rejuvenating. Dr Lim’s preference is to use the Minimal Access Cranial Suspension technique for effective face lifting without leaving you looking like you just emerged from a wind tunnel!
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Bandages off in 24 hours
- Hair wash at designated hairdressing salon at 48 hours
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week with sunglasses
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (so you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Nose looks small with low, sunken bridge and tip looks small and ill defined; nose looks flattened secondary to earlier trauma (e.g. broken nose); lack of nasal bridge makes face look flat and featureless
This procedure is performed through a scar hidden inside the nostril, where a dorsal nasal implant is centralized and inserted to augment the nasal bridge and restore symmetry to the proportions of the nose. Dr Lim’s preference is to use low profile (3mm height) implants which are inserted securely under the bone lining (called the periosteum) so that there is no ‘wobble’ in the tail of the implant after insertion. Other implant types are available on request. Sometimes, ear cartilage is used to shape the tip at the same time as implant insertion
Please note: Silicone implants are stable for use in Orientals. Patients with thinner nasal skin (Caucasians, Northern Indians) require other material (cartilage/ bone) for nasal augmentation as the thin skin renders a silicone implant prone to extrusion.
Local Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation (recommended).
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 7 days
- Sutures normally dissolve by themselves unless an open approach is used
- Swelling around the nose will subside over the course of a few days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week when the tape is removed – many patients are back at work within a few days and tell their colleagues they broke their nose!
- Residual bruising and swelling (which is concealable) typically resolves within 2 weeks
Nose looks too big with a prominent dorsal hump; the tip looks too broad or is down pointing and hook-like; the nose is skew with asymmetric nostrils; nose is crooked secondary to an underlying deviated or damaged septum.
These different deformities of the nose are usually approached by an open approach through hidden scars. Cartilage and bone are refined and shaped to suit the patient’s requirements.. Due to the complexity of this surgery, it is insufficient to annotate here what is required and a formal consultation with full assessment is crucial before operation. Where septal work is required, the operation may be performed together with an ENT surgeon.
General Anaesthesia.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic. When performed with an ENT surgeon an overnight hospital stay is usual.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 7 days
- Bone work will require an external splint and nasal packs
- Swelling around the nose will subside over the course of a few days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week when the tape (and splint if present) is removed
- Residual bruising and swelling (which is concealable) typically resolves within 2 weeks
Brow Lift
Drooping eyebrows (also called eyebrow ptosis); Eyelid skin beginning to hang over the outer corners of the eyes; Tired, angry and irritated look as the skin starts to hang over the eyes, the need to constantly lift the forehead muscles to elevate the drooping forehead skin.
Through scars hidden behind the hairline, this operation lifts the forehead/eyebrow complex to a more youthful position, and effectively reduces upper eyelid as well as lower eyelid skin excess to ‘brighten up’ the eye area. The midface can be suspended with sutures to reduce cheek drooping at the same time. Hair growth is not affected in this tension free technique and no bald patches will develop. Dr Lim’s preference is for effective brow lifting without leaving you with a too much of a ‘surprised’ look! This operation may be combined with upper eyelid lift, eyebag removal as well as a face lift.
General Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Hair wash at designated hairdressing salon at 48 hours
- Clips out in 10 days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week with sunglasses on
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (so you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Chin, Cheek and Jaw Contouring
Chin looks small and dimply; Cheeks seem too chubby, Inability to fully close mouth at rest with exposure of upper incisors (Bugs Bunny look), Poor jawline Contour, Marked creases at the sides of the chin.
Through a scar hidden inside the mouth, a chin implant is centralised and inserted to restore chin size and restore symmetry to the face, with a relative reduction in chin and nose size as the proportions balance out. Dr Lim’s preference is to use the Flower’s Mandibular Glove silicone implant which accurately recreates normal bony contours of the jaw. Other implant types are available on request.
Local Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation (recommended).
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 48 hours
- Swelling around the jaw will subside over the course of 1 week
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week – many patients are back at work within 5 days!
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (which is concealable)
Dimple Creation
Patients who desire a dimple or chin cleft to improve facial features
Through scars hidden inside the mouth, this operation uses permanent sutures to form dimples and chin clefts. Dr Lim’s preference is for dimples on one side of the face only as this looks more natural. Chin clefts should also not be too long to preserve a natural look.
Local anaesthesia, with or without intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- The cheeks will swell for a few days after cheek dimple creation
- Cheek dimples will remain permanent for up to 6 months, whereupon they will only be obvious when smiling.
- Regular activities can be resumed immediately
Double Eyelid Creation
Hooded, puffy eyelid skin with no obvious crease or a small indistinct crease, making it impossible to apply eyeliner unless lids are taped. Fierce angry look due to lack of a definitive crease.
This uniquely oriental operation defines the eye without ‘westernising’ them; making the eyelids more harmonious with the rest of the face and making the eyes look larger. Dr Lim uses a short incision (12 to 15 mm) technique that leaves a fine scar which virtually disappears over time. Upper eyelid fat is removed at the same time to create crisp upper eyelids.
Local Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Ear Surgery
“Bat ears”; ears of unequal shape or size (asymmetry); ears that stick out more on one side than the other; flat ears.
These different deformities of the ear are approached either by the closed (just using sutures alone) or open approach through scars hidden behind the ears. The ear cartilage is refined and shaped by scoring and sutures to suit the patient’s requirements. Due to the complexity of this surgery, it is insufficient to annotate here what is required and a formal consultation with full assessment is crucial before operation.
Bat ears may make children the subject of taunts and ridicule (“Dumbo” ears, “rat ears”) early in life and are usually corrected before primary school years.
Local Anaesthesia with intravenous sedation (recommended) or General Anaesthesia (especially children).
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- A hospital stay may be required in children depending on their level of maturity
- The head will be bandaged immediately after surgery to be removed after 7 days. After this, a soft hairband is worn.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately
Eyelid Lift
(Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty / Sub Brow Eyelid Lift)
Drooping, crepey eyelid skin hanging over the eyes and possibly on the eyelashes; disappearing double eyelids; restricted eye opening which might affect vision; furrowed forehead as you start to constantly raise your brow to elevate the drooping eyelid skin with fatigue after doing that for too long.
Through scars placed at your normal upper eyelid skin crease or under the eyebrow, this operation lifts the eyelids to a more youthful position to ‘brighten up’ the eye area by removing excess skin. Bulging fat pads of the eye can be removed at the same time. Privileged eyelid skin heals beautifully with a scar that will fade in time. Double eyelids created previously can be reconstructed at this time.
Local Anaesthesia with or without Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Eyebag Surgery
(Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty)
Bulging, loose lower eyelid skin with a perpetual shadow under the eyebags making them look puffy and making you look like you haven’t slept well or have been crying all night!
This extremely rejuvenating procedure (called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty) removes the bulging fat pads from inside the eye, leaving no external scars, and therefore has a very short downtime compared to conventional techniques where the fat pads are approached through a skin incision. Should there be excess skin, this can be removed through a fine incision just under the eyelashes without traumatising the underlying muscle (this is called a skin pinch).
Local Anaesthesia with Intravenous sedation
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- There are no sutures to be removed
- Regular activities can be resumed almost immediately with sunglasses
- Eyes may get a little red
- Bruising is usually minimal but swelling will invariably be present
- Old lax thin skin is more prone to bruising! This typically resolves within 2 weeks (so if you fit this description you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Face / Neck Lift
Drooping facial skin, deepening of creases around the nose (called nasolabial creases), jowling, deepening of creases in front of jowls (called the prejowl sulcus or ‘marionette lines’), wrinkly and loose neck skin (turkey gobbler neck), ill-defined jawline.
Through scars hidden around the ears, this operation lifts the mid/ lower face complex to a more youthful position, tightening and lifting neck skin at the same time. The suspension is vertical and not lateral, so the look is completely natural and rejuvenating. Dr Lim’s preference is to use the Minimal Access Cranial Suspension technique for effective face lifting without leaving you looking like you just emerged from a wind tunnel!
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Bandages off in 24 hours
- Hair wash at designated hairdressing salon at 48 hours
- Sutures out at 7 days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week with sunglasses
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks (so you should plan to be socially absent for 2 weeks)
Nose Implant Surgery
(Augmentation Rhinoplasty)
Nose looks small with low, sunken bridge and tip looks small and ill defined; nose looks flattened secondary to earlier trauma (e.g. broken nose); lack of nasal bridge makes face look flat and featureless
This procedure is performed through a scar hidden inside the nostril, where a dorsal nasal implant is centralized and inserted to augment the nasal bridge and restore symmetry to the proportions of the nose. Dr Lim’s preference is to use low profile (3mm height) implants which are inserted securely under the bone lining (called the periosteum) so that there is no ‘wobble’ in the tail of the implant after insertion. Other implant types are available on request. Sometimes, ear cartilage is used to shape the tip at the same time as implant insertion
Please note: Silicone implants are stable for use in Orientals. Patients with thinner nasal skin (Caucasians, Northern Indians) require other material (cartilage/ bone) for nasal augmentation as the thin skin renders a silicone implant prone to extrusion.
Local Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation (recommended).
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 7 days
- Sutures normally dissolve by themselves unless an open approach is used
- Swelling around the nose will subside over the course of a few days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week when the tape is removed – many patients are back at work within a few days and tell their colleagues they broke their nose!
- Residual bruising and swelling (which is concealable) typically resolves within 2 weeks
Nose Reshaping
Nose looks too big with a prominent dorsal hump; the tip looks too broad or is down pointing and hook-like; the nose is skew with asymmetric nostrils; nose is crooked secondary to an underlying deviated or damaged septum.
These different deformities of the nose are usually approached by an open approach through hidden scars. Cartilage and bone are refined and shaped to suit the patient’s requirements.. Due to the complexity of this surgery, it is insufficient to annotate here what is required and a formal consultation with full assessment is crucial before operation. Where septal work is required, the operation may be performed together with an ENT surgeon.
General Anaesthesia.
Hospital Stay
A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic. When performed with an ENT surgeon an overnight hospital stay is usual.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Stabilising tape is removed at 7 days
- Bone work will require an external splint and nasal packs
- Swelling around the nose will subside over the course of a few days
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week when the tape (and splint if present) is removed
- Residual bruising and swelling (which is concealable) typically resolves within 2 weeks
Body and Upper Torso
Tummy Tuck(Abdominoplasty)
Breast Enlargement(Augmentation Mammoplasty)
Breast Lift(Mastopexy)
Breast Reduction (Female)(Reduction Mammoplasty)
Breast Reduction (Male)(Gynaecomastia Reduction)
Excessive unsightly stretch marks. Skin that hangs down as an apron. A bulging tummy no matter how hard you ‘suck your muscles in’, a combination of all the above. For the ladies, irritation from people asking you when you are expecting when you are not pregnant!
This family of operations removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen to sculpt the torso. The rectus muscles, usually separated especially after childbirth or after massive weight gain, are also tightened in the midline to realign the muscles and recreate a waist. Paraumbilical and umbilical hernias are repaired at the same time. Liposuction may be occasionally be combined for further contouring. The scar position can be customized to suit your requirements.
Radical Abdominoplasty (Big Tummy Tuck) is performed where there is considerable skin excess. The belly button is repositioned after skin redraping and tightening of the muscles.
Mini-Abdominoplasty (Small Tummy Tuck) is performed where there is less skin excess but where the rectus muscles still need to be surgically tightened. Here the belly button is ‘floated’ down to a more aesthetic position
General Anaesthetic
Hospital Stay
Typically 3 days
- No lifting of heavy objects (including children!) for 1 month
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You should be able to walk within 24 to 48 hours
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
Breasts that have always been small; Breasts that have shrunk after breastfeeding and are starting to droop; Where larger breasts are desired.
This operation restores volume to small or shrunken breasts by the addition of silicone implants. The implants may be inserted through discreet, hidden scars under the breast, or from around the areola of the nipple. Dr Lim’s preference is the insertion of silicone cohesive gel filled implants through a ‘stealth incision’ around the areola which fades beautifully with time and does not affect nipple sensation. Silicone gel filled implants have a natural feel very similar to normal breasts.
Mentor implants used by Dr Lim hold a lifetime guarantee.
Please note: Silicone implants do not increase breast cancer risk or autoimmune disease risk. Mammograms can still be taken – please inform the radiologist that implants are present before the mammogram!
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week although some patients have been known to return to work after a few days!
Sagging breasts with nipples pointing south, Tuberous (“Snoopy the dog”) breasts; Breasts that have shrunk and drooped after breastfeeding, Breasts that are flat at the top
This operation elevates the nipple and recontours the breast by repositioning of breast tissue to a more natural appearance via scars hidden around the nipple and the breast crease. Soft and natural feel cohesive gel silicone implants may also be inserted at the same time – restoring volume to small or shrunken breasts. (See Breast Implants)
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garments to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can resume after 1 week
Excessively large breasts which sag and nipples are pointing south, large area of contact between the breasts and chest wall resulting in persistent sweat rash or skin infections under the breast, shoulder grooving and upper back ache; Difficulty in buying bras the correct size; Saucer plate areolae from excessively large breasts.
This operation reduces the size and recontours breasts via scars hidden around the nipple and the breast crease. Areolar size can be reduced at the same time. Dr Lim’s preference is to use either the superior or inferior pedicle technique for this procedure. Reduction of the breast bulk will result in symptomatic improvement.
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request (this usually entails an overnight stay).
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
Excessively large breasts for males (Moobs) resulting in embarrassment and in extreme cases, social withdrawal.
This operation, using a combination of surgical excision and liposuction, reduces the size of the breasts via scars hidden around the nipple (stealth incision) which fade and become inconspicuous with time. Occasionally, larger breasts may require more extensive surgery. The natural contours of the pectoralis muscles are maintained at all times. When associated with obesity, weight control measures may be utilised before or after surgery.
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
Tummy Tuck
Excessive unsightly stretch marks. Skin that hangs down as an apron. A bulging tummy no matter how hard you ‘suck your muscles in’, a combination of all the above. For the ladies, irritation from people asking you when you are expecting when you are not pregnant!
This family of operations removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen to sculpt the torso. The rectus muscles, usually separated especially after childbirth or after massive weight gain, are also tightened in the midline to realign the muscles and recreate a waist. Paraumbilical and umbilical hernias are repaired at the same time. Liposuction may be occasionally be combined for further contouring. The scar position can be customized to suit your requirements.
Radical Abdominoplasty (Big Tummy Tuck) is performed where there is considerable skin excess. The belly button is repositioned after skin redraping and tightening of the muscles.
Mini-Abdominoplasty (Small Tummy Tuck) is performed where there is less skin excess but where the rectus muscles still need to be surgically tightened. Here the belly button is ‘floated’ down to a more aesthetic position
General Anaesthetic
Hospital Stay
Typically 3 days
- No lifting of heavy objects (including children!) for 1 month
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You should be able to walk within 24 to 48 hours
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
Breast Enlargement
(Augmentation Mammoplasty)
Breasts that have always been small; Breasts that have shrunk after breastfeeding and are starting to droop; Where larger breasts are desired.
This operation restores volume to small or shrunken breasts by the addition of silicone implants. The implants may be inserted through discreet, hidden scars under the breast, or from around the areola of the nipple. Dr Lim’s preference is the insertion of silicone cohesive gel filled implants through a ‘stealth incision’ around the areola which fades beautifully with time and does not affect nipple sensation. Silicone gel filled implants have a natural feel very similar to normal breasts.
Mentor implants used by Dr Lim hold a lifetime guarantee.
Please note: Silicone implants do not increase breast cancer risk or autoimmune disease risk. Mammograms can still be taken – please inform the radiologist that implants are present before the mammogram!
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week although some patients have been known to return to work after a few days!
Breast Lift
Sagging breasts with nipples pointing south, Tuberous (“Snoopy the dog”) breasts; Breasts that have shrunk and drooped after breastfeeding, Breasts that are flat at the top
This operation elevates the nipple and recontours the breast by repositioning of breast tissue to a more natural appearance via scars hidden around the nipple and the breast crease. Soft and natural feel cohesive gel silicone implants may also be inserted at the same time – restoring volume to small or shrunken breasts. (See Breast Implants)
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garments to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can resume after 1 week
Breast Reduction (Female)
(Reduction Mammoplasty)
Excessively large breasts which sag and nipples are pointing south, large area of contact between the breasts and chest wall resulting in persistent sweat rash or skin infections under the breast, shoulder grooving and upper back ache; Difficulty in buying bras the correct size; Saucer plate areolae from excessively large breasts.
This operation reduces the size and recontours breasts via scars hidden around the nipple and the breast crease. Areolar size can be reduced at the same time. Dr Lim’s preference is to use either the superior or inferior pedicle technique for this procedure. Reduction of the breast bulk will result in symptomatic improvement.
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request (this usually entails an overnight stay).
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
Breast Reduction (Male)
(Gynaecomastia Reduction)
Excessively large breasts for males (Moobs) resulting in embarrassment and in extreme cases, social withdrawal.
This operation, using a combination of surgical excision and liposuction, reduces the size of the breasts via scars hidden around the nipple (stealth incision) which fade and become inconspicuous with time. Occasionally, larger breasts may require more extensive surgery. The natural contours of the pectoralis muscles are maintained at all times. When associated with obesity, weight control measures may be utilised before or after surgery.
General Anaesthesia
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- Pressure garment to be worn for 1 month
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Regular activities can be resumed after 1 week
All areas
Unwanted rolls and bumps over the tummy and thighs; Spare tyres around tummy (Michelin Man tummy); Saddlebag hips; Double chin; Fat arms, knees and ankles
Liposuction is a surgical procedure where fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat) is removed by vacuum aspiration. Removal of this fat thus recontours and sculpts the figure (thus liposculpture)- it is not a weight reduction strategy! Scars are hidden along natural skin crease lines and fade beautifully over time. Dr Lim’s preference is to use tumescent power assisted liposuction. Although it sounds straightforward enough, oftentimes what might appear to be ‘fat’ may actually be excess skin or tummy muscle bulging after, for example, pregnancy! It is therefore important to consult first to see exactly what you think the problem area is, whereupon Dr Lim will offer his suggestions as to what can be done.
Please note: Liposuction is not the remedy for cellulite and may even worsen it!
General Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Pressure garment to be worn for a month
- Sutures out at 1 week
- Regular activities can be resumed after a few days with the pressure garment on.
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks
Unwanted rolls and bumps over the tummy and thighs; Spare tyres around tummy (Michelin Man tummy); Saddlebag hips; Double chin; Fat arms, knees and ankles
Liposuction is a surgical procedure where fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat) is removed by vacuum aspiration. Removal of this fat thus recontours and sculpts the figure (thus liposculpture)- it is not a weight reduction strategy! Scars are hidden along natural skin crease lines and fade beautifully over time. Dr Lim’s preference is to use tumescent power assisted liposuction. Although it sounds straightforward enough, oftentimes what might appear to be ‘fat’ may actually be excess skin or tummy muscle bulging after, for example, pregnancy! It is therefore important to consult first to see exactly what you think the problem area is, whereupon Dr Lim will offer his suggestions as to what can be done.
Please note: Liposuction is not the remedy for cellulite and may even worsen it!
General Anaesthesia, Intravenous sedation.
Hospital Stay
- A day surgical procedure performed in the clinic.
- Can also be performed in hospital at your request.
- You will be able to walk out of the clinic
- Pressure garment to be worn for a month
- Sutures out at 1 week
- Regular activities can be resumed after a few days with the pressure garment on.
- Residual bruising and swelling typically resolves within 2 weeks